Get to know us part 2 - All about Mike

Here we are back to let you all get to know us a bit more! Today we will focus on the fearless leader Mike! Get ready for a bit of fun info on him that you might not have previously known.

Fact 1 - Mike grew up playing hockey (Goalie for 20 years), and is still a big fan. His favorite team (that he suffers for) is the Flyers.
Factoid 2 - Mike rescued a dog last year, Jerry, named after Jerry Gergich from Parks and Recreation and he sits close during every podcast recording. Don’t be shocked if you hear him every now and then!
Fun tidbit 3 - In addition to his day job and the podcast, he also founded and runs the “10 Years Association” a fan page/community for the band 10 Years. You should all go check them out!
number 4 - Mike’s dad and grandfather used to work in timing in scoring for Indycar. Now we know where he got his love for the sport from!
Lastly 5 - Mike loves gin and tequila, so if you see him at a track offer him a drink! This could lead to more fun than anyone can handle!

Don’t forget to find mike on twitter @mike_joachim . We love hearing from our fans and can’t wait to hear from you! Reach out and let us know what you think. And say Hi if you see us at a track near you!


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